IRFS23N20D datasheet, IRFS23N20D specifications, IRFS23N20D features, IRFS23N20D pinout, IRFS23N20D Arduino, IRFS23N20D price, IRFS23N20D circuit diagram, IRFS23N20D development board, IRFS23N20D app IRFS23N20D Application IRFS23N20D Stock Quote IRFS23N20D Best Price IRFS23N20D Free Stock IRFS23N20D Lead Time IRFS23N20D Delivery Time IRFS23N20D Stock , IRFS23N20D MOSfet VDS=200V, ID=52A, RDS(ON)<60mΩ@VGS=10V This N-Channel MOSFET uses advanced Planar technology and design to provide excellent RDS(on) with low gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications.